With the holiday season coming up and the eating habits we tend to pick up over the break, I thought I would post about body image. People have always told me that the media’s portrayal of women’s bodies is a very poor representation of what a healthy or normal body looks like. I never really believed them because I just thought that those pictures showed what skinny girls look like and it showed me I wasn’t skinny. Well then one day around the beginning of November, I stumbled upon this picture of Marilyn Monroe in a bathing suit. She was like THE sex symbol of her time and she was like a size 6 or something. She looks great and isn’t stick thin. That is when I realized that my body is beautiful just the way it is, and so is yours! I always thought this body image thing would have to be gradual, and for others it may be. But for me it was an abrupt thing. I'm totally ok with how I look and want to respect my body and keep it healthy so I can continue to live the life I love. So over the break when everyone starts talking about how fat they think they are or how they need to stop eating so much, just remember that confidence is the sexiest thing a woman can have and it just so happens that you are dead sexy already.
What do you do to make yourself feel sexy? Do you look at pictures of beautiful women at a healthy weight like me? Or maybe put on your favorite LBD and model it for the mirror?
Check out Medicinal Marzipan under the Amor list to see a blog all about body lovin!
She looks amazing!! Curves are natural sihlouettes, there is nothing cute about pencil thin....it just makes the clothes stand out and not the girl who is wearing them. Great post!